Sunday, January 11, 2009

Places to stay in Hawaii

Greetings, Friends!

For those of you who are willing and able to make the trek to Hawaii to join us for the wedding and celebrations we wanted to give you some travel resources:

favorite flight finders: (you could find a flight to the west coast and then find a flight from there to Oahu)

options for houses and apartments on Oahu:

I think that my family will probably be staying closer to Waikiki (south side of island) until Thursday, June 25. And after then we'll stay in the Kaneohe or Kailua area (east side of island). Kaneohe is where the wedding will be at Haiku Gardens on Friday in the morning around 11am. For those of you coming early we're planning some fun Hawaii activities during the few days before the wedding. Right now, both Tyler and I are planning on getting to Hawaii by Saturday, June 20th. So, if you're thinking you might be able to come let us know, so we can keep you updated on plans and any travel arrangement tips.

Good night for now, we'll let you know more details and tips soon...

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